
HTB • Pinned

Pinned is an easy-difficulty mobile challenge created by bertolis on Hack the Box where our job is to reverse-engineer an android application to find the flag.

This app has stored my credentials and I can only login automatically. I tried to intercept the login request and restore my password, but this seems to be a secure connection. Can you help bypass this security restriction and intercept the password in plaintext?


In this challenge we are given an APK package called pinned.apk and a text file called README.txt. The challenge description explains that the subject has their credentials stored in this APK application. It also ends with a question implying that we will not conduct any static analysis and we will be bypassing some security measures. Finally, the README.txt file contains a message stating that we must install the application on a device running Android 10.0 or any version with API level 29 or earlier.


We will use Genymotion to create and interact with an Android virtual machine.

Creating a Virtual Machine

First we open Genymotion on our desktop and press Ctrl+N to create a new virtual machine. Then we select Google Pixel 3 from the menu and verify that Android version is set to 10.0.0. Once that is done, we click NEXT and assign the hardware resources for the VM. We can keep the default configuration for the Display options and Android options then install the VM.

Installing Applications

To install the pinned.apk application, we boot the VM then use the adb program.

sudo apt-get install adb # install adb
adb install pinned.apk # install pinned.apk on the virtual machine

Once this is done, we can open the new app by navigating to our VM’s screen and clicking Pinned in the app menu.


Proxy Setup

Let’s set up BurpSuite to try to intercept any traffic sent by this application. First we go to Proxy > Options > Proxy Listeners > Add and check All interfaces then and enable interception in the proxy tab.

Connect to Proxy

To connect to the proxy we run a command on the guest device to change the global setting http_proxy to the address of the host machine’s proxy server.

lhost="" # Change me
adb root
adb shell "settings put global http_proxy $lhost:$lport"

This should temporarily connect the guest device to the BurpSuite proxy.

Now when we open the app and click the login button, we get an error on the BurpSuite dashboard claiming that the connection to failed. This could mean that the application implements certificate pinning.

Bypassing Certificate Pinning

To bypass the certificate pinning here we will use a dynamic code instrumentation framework known as Frida.

Starting the Server

We first download and extract the Frida server executable for our target OS and architecture.

target_arch="$(adb shell 'getprop ro.product.cpu.abi')"
wget "$binary"
unxz $binary

Then we upload the binary to the android filesystem and run it.

adb push ./frida-server* "$location"
adb shell "chmod +x $location"
adb shell "$location" &

Universal Pinning Bypass Script

We will be using this script alongside Frida to effectively bypass certificate pinning. This script expects our custom certificate at /data/local/temp/cert-der.crt which will be BurpSuite’s certificate in DER format.

Once we have exported BurpSuite’s certificate we upload it to the expected location.

adb push ./burp.crt "/data/local/tmp/cert-der.crt"

Then we locate the identifier for the application.

frida-ps -U -ai | grep -i "pinned"

The identifier for the suspected process is com.example.pinned. Let’s run Frida with the bypass script on this process.

frida -U \
  --codeshare "pcipolloni/universal-android-ssl-pinning-bypass-with-frida" \
  -f "com.example.pinned"

Now when we login on the open window in the virtual machine, we intercept the login attempt with the flag.

Burpsuite interception Successful interception of the login credentials

This post is licensed under CC BY 4.0 by the author.